12th Annual Roosevelt-Hamer Dinner: deadline to purchase a ticket, Saturday, July 25th

Virtual Roosevelt-Hamer Dinner to benefit the Santa Barbara County Democratic Party –  Sunday July 26, 2020 ~ 6:20-7:20

We hope you doing well and staying safe during these challenging times.  Unfortunately, we had to postpone our annual Roosevelt-Hamer Dinner due to Covid-19 but we are now going virtual!

Please join us in welcoming special guest  Congressman Adam Schiff  for the Virtual Roosevelt-Hamer Dinner to benefit the Santa Barbara County Democratic Party

 Sunday July 26, 2020 ~ 6:20-7:20

Virtual Sponsor Reception 6:00pm

The event will start with a private 20-minute Sponsor Reception with a Q & A with Congressman Schiff. We will then enter the Roosevelt-Hamer Dinner where he will speak again for 20-25 minutes.

We are currently developing our sponsorship committee and would like to include your name on our electronic invitation!  If you can participate at one of the sponsorship levels, please visit our ActBlue page, email gail@teton-landis.org, or fill out the form below and mail it back.

Our work continues and we need funds to lead a strong effort to further our values, support a very different and more costly campaign—predictive dialing, texting and mail due to Covid-19, and have strong wins in the November Election.

Thank you for your consideration and support.

Please stay safe and healthy,

Gail Teton-Landis

Chair, Santa Barbara County Democratic Party


Sponsorship Opportunities

Party Hero: 5,000 (Includes admission to the virtual Sponsor Reception for two in your home, plus 8 more guests for the Roosevelt-Hamer Virtual Event and full back page ad). In addition, the program will be mailed to you in advance, and 2 bottles of wine and dinner for you and your guests, will be delivered to you just before the event begins.

Party Ally: $2,500 (Includes admission to the virtual Sponsor Reception for two in your home, plus 3 more guests for the Roosevelt-Hamer Virtual Event and a half page ad). In addition, the program will be mailed to your house in advance, and 2 bottles of wine and dinner for you and your guests, will be delivered to you just before the event begins.

Party Contributor: $1,000 (Includes admission to the virtual Sponsor Reception for two in your home, and a quarter page ad) In addition, the program will be mailed to your house in advance, and a bottle of wine and dinner for you and your guest, will be delivered to you just before the event begins.

Alternately, or in addition to, you can purchase an advertisement in our Dinner Program at the following rates:

Full page ad (8.5×11): $1,000

Half Page ad: $500

Quarter Page ad: $250

Business card ad: $150            Single line greeting: $50

All levels of sponsorship will be admitted to the Sponsor Reception.

Please return this form with your contribution, made payable to: “The Santa Barbara Democratic Party”

P.O. Box 22435 Santa Barbara, CA 93121.

Name (as it should appear on the invitation):                                                                                                                   

Address:                                                                                                                                                                      __________

Phone:                                                                                      E-mail:                                                                          

Occupation:                                                                  Employer:                                                                                 

Please charge $                     to my personal credit card.  MC                   VISA                  AMEX              

Card number                                                                                     Exp. Date                               CSC:                         


Contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes.

Paid for by the Santa Barbara County Democratic Central Committee

FPPC# 742091 | FEC# C00427856

Help Win Back CA-25 for Christy Smith, virtual phone bank, Sunday, July 26, 2 p.m. — and Petition to Support Local Ag Workers

DSC volunteers wrote 600 postcards for Christy Smith in the May 12 Special Election in this crucial L.A. County congressional district. We came up short, but now as we head toward November and filling the seat for a full-term, we can help again with a virtual phone bank, Sunday, July 26, 2 p.m.
In 2018 Democrats flipped blue seven House districts in California, including CD-25 — an awesome feat! But as Rep. Karen Bass said shortly after this historic win, “We’re only renting these seats,” and we need to fight hard in 2020 to defend them. Join activists all around SoCal in calling voters in this district to talk about how Christy Smith is ready to hit the ground running once elected and her many accomplishments as an Assembly Member.
Sign up here, and you’ll receive a link to join a Zoom meeting, where you’ll receive training on the Virtual Phone Bank and all the info you’ll need to make calls for Christy.
More Direct Action
Sign a Petition to Support Local Agricultural Workers
  After dozens of workers in Santa Maria, CA went on strike at Rancho Laguna Farms, a supplier of strawberries to Driscoll’s, on May 5th for fair pay and better treatment, workers were fired and had the sheriff called on them. 75 workers from Rancho Laguna Farms have now signed a petition urging Driscoll’s to address the mistreatment of workers at their supplier.
Please consider joining in solidarity with those brave workers to call on Driscoll’s to ensure Rancho Laguna Farms provides fair pay, safe working conditions, and an end to retaliation against employees who speak up. The petition can be found and submitted on the The Action Network.


The Dems of Rossmoor Texters in Walnut Creek, CA. offer one-on-one remote training to Get Out the Vote in key states. This group of activists claims to be the largest Dem club in the country with 1,100 paid members. Since 2018 they have sent out over 14 million texts without using personal phones, since the texting is all computer-based. Sign up at CADEMs Events.
More locally, join a Virtual House Party with SwingLeft SB partnering with the Sierra Club in a texting bank to contact voters in “Super States” to encourage GOTV efforts. Hosted in Santa Barbara, but available from anywhere Sat. June 20th, starting 10 a.m. on your own computer.
Many other virtual events of various sorts are listed for consideration here.
For people with political passion and a need to stay safely sheltered, Grassroots Democrats HQ offers a very centralized method for volunteers to lend a hand through writing postcards from home to support a variety of campaigns across California and crucial Senate races nationwide. They provide lists of Democratic voters and appropriate scripts for specific races at various times. (The DSC will soon be able to provide blank postcards for this sort of volunteer engagement. Stay in touch for further details.)

Of Interest to the Democratic Community

Dawn Addis (AD-35) Fundraiser
With recent dramatic shifts in voter registration in the North SB County/SLO Assembly district (CA-35), that seat is now a very real possibility for turning blue. Dawn Addis is a teacher, sits on the Morro Bay City Council, and is a terrific progressive Democrat. Click on the graphic below to support her campaign and be part of this virtual fundraiserMon. June 22, featuring two special guests we all know so well.

Today Is A Day of Action!

You are invited to join the CA Democratic Party’s Virtual Day of Action Sunday, June 14, at 1:00 p.m., to call voters in the important battleground state of Arizona. Californians are focusing on Democratic candidate Mark Kelly in Arizona, because this is one of the races where we are most likely to flip a Senate seat. And Kelly is a strong candidate.
This day of action will be kicked off with a Town Hall with CA Democratic Party Chair Rusty Hicks at 1:00 p.m. The virtual rally will be followed by an immediate action to make calls to voters in key Arizona districts.
Register here to receive the link to the Zoom meeting. Once you’ve submitted this form, please check your email for the link to the Zoom rally. When prompted, please indicate that you prefer the computerized dialer so that we can all learn about this new and exciting tool together.

Anniversary of Medgar Evers Murder – June 12, 1963

Arlington National Cemetery

Today, we honor the life of Medgar Evers, WWII veteran and civil rights icon, on the anniversary of his murder, June 12, 1963. Evers fought for freedom in Europe, but it was his work as a civil rights leader in Mississippi that cost him his life. He is laid to rest in Section 36.

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DSC Standing with Proponents of True Racial Equality and Social Reform

Stay Safe – Wear a Mask Outside & Victim Advocate

It’s almost the weekend and we just want to remind everyone to please stay at home or be safe when you are outside. Even if you are on a trail, riding on a bike path, or jogging, please wear a mask to protect yourself and those you are passing. Especially if you are exercising, you are breathing hard and spreading more droplets longer distances than the mandated 6 feet of separation.

Here are messages from Gregg Hart, who as Chair of the Board of Supervisors, has been conducting the County daily press conferences, and from Joyce Dudley, Santa Barbara District Attorney, who is raising concerns regarding domestic violence, child abuse and animal abuse.

Wishing you well,

Gail Teton-Landis

Chair, Santa Barbara County Democratic Party


I hope that you and your loved ones are staying safe and healthy during this challenging time. Over the past several weeks, our community has demonstrated an incredible level of resilience in responding to the threat of COVID-19. Thanks to the diligence of residents and businesses in practicing physical distancing, we have been able to flatten the curve of the spread of COVID-19 in our community, care for those who are ill, and support community members in need.

Over the coming weeks, we must continue to take steps to protect the health of our community. Please remember to practice physical distancing at all times. If you are feeling sick, please self isolate, treat your symptoms at home, and contact your medical provider. If you or your loved ones are struggling with the emotional impacts of COVID-19 in our community, please call 211 to reach out for assistance — there are many community organizations that are ready to help.

I know that COVID-19 has had far-reaching consequences for our local economy. Local officials are currently working to launch a county-wide economic recovery effort that will assist local businesses, while continuing to protect the health of our community. The County is working closely with Governor Newsom’s Office and State health authorities to ensure that we are well positioned to open segments of our economy in accordance with the State’s six-part criteria for eventually easing the Stay at Home Order. Part of this effort includes expanding our local testing and contact tracing capabilities, and ensuring that we continue to maintain the capacity of our medical system. We are making progress on these efforts every day.

Santa Barbara County has experienced many challenging times over the past several years. During this public health emergency, we will continue to come together as a community and lean on each other as we get through this unprecedented situation. We are all in this together, while safely apart.

Please take care and stay healthy.


Gregg Hart

Chair, Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors

It is now a perfect storm for what I’m calling in-home abuse.

Families are experiencing every kind of stress possible, alcohol and drugs are closer than human beings, and there are no “outsiders” to witness these horrific crimes and call for help.

What can you as a loved one, neighbor or even stranger do if you are concerned about something you are experiencing, hearing or seeing?

Call 9-1-1.

Don’t intervene, don’t ignore it, and don’t think you have to have proof — that’s not your job.

All of our law enforcement officers are trained investigators in these crimes. It’s part of their job to do welfare checks, and they will do it in a professional and sensitive manner.

If you don’t call 9-1-1 and something terrible happens, you will never forgive yourself.

What can you do if you are a victim of one of these crimes?

Call 9-1-1.

Beyond your immediate safety and the safety of your loved ones, you can also contact our social service first-responders:

» Domestic or Intimate Partner Violence: Contact Domestic Violence Solutions.

» Child Abuse: Contact CALM.

» Sexual Assault: Contact STESA.

» Animal Abuse: Contact Animal Control in your city or the county. Also the Human Society will lovingly shelter your pet until the threat of abuse is over.

But again please start with CALLING 9-1-1.

What if you are a perpetrator? If you are abusing someone or some animal, leave your home and go some place safe.

Even if you are “just” abusing alcohol or drugs and you know that can lead to acts of violence, LEAVE and go someplace where you can’t hurt yourself or anyone else.

If you feel you are not in danger of endangering others, but you know you need help because you are abusing alcohol or drugs, now is the time to get it. Call 2-1-1 to find out what resources are available to you right now.

What if none of these crimes have occurred but you can feel the stress in your home building?

Don’t ignore it. Talk about it. Find the solutions that work for you and/or your family.

Walks? Projects? Prayer? Reaching out to your extended family and/or friends? And if you are still not sure call 211 and ask about other resources that may be helpful to you.

What if you or one of your loved ones is feeling helpless, hopeless and suicidal? Locally you can call 2-1-1.

You can also call the National Suicide Hotline 1-800-273-8255.

These, for many of our community members, are the worst of times. Please do what you can to make things better.

Joyce Dudley

District Attorney, Santa Barbara County

Still there are a couple of Things that can be Accomplished from a Safe Social Distance

Unity and shared endeavor are core ideals for the DSC, but right now literally coming together is not cool.

We had great plans: Throw a party to celebrate recent victories in local races. Give it a bit of a St. Paddy’s Day theme, but make sure to distinguish luck from hard work. Honor our great volunteers and supporters, encouraging them to mingle informally with grateful electeds. We’d even found a perfect setting and friendly hosts at Live Oak Unitarian in Goleta.

Still there are a couple things that can be accomplished from a safe social distance. One is that our friends can still join or renew memberships for 2020. Some of you already have, using the remit envelopes that came with our snail mail invite, and others who planned to attend the event may have intended to do so on arrival. Those can still be used. We also offer a handy ActBlue donation page on our website. Thank you all for your participation as volunteers and supporters however you engage.

Secondly, today’s party was also to serve as our Annual General Meeting, required in our bylaws. The main order of business was to elect two of the four club officers: this year, President and Secretary. To keep things “regular,” please take a moment to vote by email ballot with the link on your newsletter. Thank you for that sign of support as well.