It’s almost the weekend and we just want to remind everyone to please stay at home or be safe when you are outside. Even if you are on a trail, riding on a bike path, or jogging, please wear a mask to protect yourself and those you are passing. Especially if you are exercising, you are breathing hard and spreading more droplets longer distances than the mandated 6 feet of separation.
Here are messages from Gregg Hart, who as Chair of the Board of Supervisors, has been conducting the County daily press conferences, and from Joyce Dudley, Santa Barbara District Attorney, who is raising concerns regarding domestic violence, child abuse and animal abuse.
Wishing you well,
Gail Teton-Landis
Chair, Santa Barbara County Democratic Party

I hope that you and your loved ones are staying safe and healthy during this challenging time. Over the past several weeks, our community has demonstrated an incredible level of resilience in responding to the threat of COVID-19. Thanks to the diligence of residents and businesses in practicing physical distancing, we have been able to flatten the curve of the spread of COVID-19 in our community, care for those who are ill, and support community members in need.
Over the coming weeks, we must continue to take steps to protect the health of our community. Please remember to practice physical distancing at all times. If you are feeling sick, please self isolate, treat your symptoms at home, and contact your medical provider. If you or your loved ones are struggling with the emotional impacts of COVID-19 in our community, please call 211 to reach out for assistance — there are many community organizations that are ready to help.
I know that COVID-19 has had far-reaching consequences for our local economy. Local officials are currently working to launch a county-wide economic recovery effort that will assist local businesses, while continuing to protect the health of our community. The County is working closely with Governor Newsom’s Office and State health authorities to ensure that we are well positioned to open segments of our economy in accordance with the State’s six-part criteria for eventually easing the Stay at Home Order. Part of this effort includes expanding our local testing and contact tracing capabilities, and ensuring that we continue to maintain the capacity of our medical system. We are making progress on these efforts every day.
Santa Barbara County has experienced many challenging times over the past several years. During this public health emergency, we will continue to come together as a community and lean on each other as we get through this unprecedented situation. We are all in this together, while safely apart.
Please take care and stay healthy.
Gregg Hart
Chair, Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors

It is now a perfect storm for what I’m calling in-home abuse.
Families are experiencing every kind of stress possible, alcohol and drugs are closer than human beings, and there are no “outsiders” to witness these horrific crimes and call for help.
What can you as a loved one, neighbor or even stranger do if you are concerned about something you are experiencing, hearing or seeing?
Call 9-1-1.
Don’t intervene, don’t ignore it, and don’t think you have to have proof — that’s not your job.
All of our law enforcement officers are trained investigators in these crimes. It’s part of their job to do welfare checks, and they will do it in a professional and sensitive manner.
If you don’t call 9-1-1 and something terrible happens, you will never forgive yourself.
What can you do if you are a victim of one of these crimes?
Call 9-1-1.
Beyond your immediate safety and the safety of your loved ones, you can also contact our social service first-responders:
» Domestic or Intimate Partner Violence: Contact Domestic Violence Solutions.
» Child Abuse: Contact CALM.
» Sexual Assault: Contact STESA.
» Animal Abuse: Contact Animal Control in your city or the county. Also the Human Society will lovingly shelter your pet until the threat of abuse is over.
But again please start with CALLING 9-1-1.
What if you are a perpetrator? If you are abusing someone or some animal, leave your home and go some place safe.
Even if you are “just” abusing alcohol or drugs and you know that can lead to acts of violence, LEAVE and go someplace where you can’t hurt yourself or anyone else.
If you feel you are not in danger of endangering others, but you know you need help because you are abusing alcohol or drugs, now is the time to get it. Call 2-1-1 to find out what resources are available to you right now.
What if none of these crimes have occurred but you can feel the stress in your home building?
Don’t ignore it. Talk about it. Find the solutions that work for you and/or your family.
Walks? Projects? Prayer? Reaching out to your extended family and/or friends? And if you are still not sure call 211 and ask about other resources that may be helpful to you.
What if you or one of your loved ones is feeling helpless, hopeless and suicidal? Locally you can call 2-1-1.
You can also call the National Suicide Hotline 1-800-273-8255.
These, for many of our community members, are the worst of times. Please do what you can to make things better.
Joyce Dudley
District Attorney, Santa Barbara County