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- Running to Unseat Devin Nunes – You Can Help — 1 comments
- Annual 4th of July BBQ — 1 comments
Jul 23
IMPORTANT DATES AND DEADLINES: Deadline to purchase tickets: Saturday, July 25 at 5PM Sponsor reception and Q&A: Sunday, July 26 at 6PM Virtual Roosevelt-Hamer Dinner: Sunday, July 26 at 6:20PM Silent auction closes: July 29 at 6PM BUY TICKETS BECOME A SPONSOR SILENT AUCTION Join us in honoring… Joan Hartmann Democratic Values Award Santa Maria Women’s March Chris …
Jun 23
We hope you doing well and staying safe during these challenging times. Unfortunately, we had to postpone our annual Roosevelt-Hamer Dinner due to Covid-19 but we are now going virtual! Please join us in welcoming special guest Congressman Adam Schiff for the Virtual Roosevelt-Hamer Dinner to benefit the Santa Barbara County Democratic Party Sunday July 26, 2020 ~ …
Jun 17
DSC volunteers wrote 600 postcards for Christy Smith in the May 12 Special Election in this crucial L.A. County congressional district. We came up short, but now as we head toward November and filling the seat for a full-term, we can help again with a virtual phone bank, Sunday, July 26, 2 p.m. In 2018 Democrats …
Jun 17
The Dems of Rossmoor Texters in Walnut Creek, CA. offer one-on-one remote training to Get Out the Vote in key states. This group of activists claims to be the largest Dem club in the country with 1,100 paid members. Since 2018 they have sent out over 14 million texts without using personal phones, since the texting is all computer-based. Sign up at CADEMs Events. More locally, join a Virtual …
Jun 14
Dawn Addis (AD-35) Fundraiser With recent dramatic shifts in voter registration in the North SB County/SLO Assembly district (CA-35), that seat is now a very real possibility for turning blue. Dawn Addis is a teacher, sits on the Morro Bay City Council, and is a terrific progressive Democrat. Click on the graphic below to support her campaign …
Jun 14
You are invited to join the CA Democratic Party’s Virtual Day of Action Sunday, June 14, at 1:00 p.m., to call voters in the important battleground state of Arizona. Californians are focusing on Democratic candidate Mark Kelly in Arizona, because this is one of the races where we are most likely to flip a Senate seat. And Kelly …
Jun 12
Arlington National Cemetery Today, we honor the life of Medgar Evers, WWII veteran and civil rights icon, on the anniversary of his murder, June 12, 1963. Evers fought for freedom in Europe, but it was his work as a civil rights leader in Mississippi that cost him his life. He is laid to rest in …
Apr 25
It’s almost the weekend and we just want to remind everyone to please stay at home or be safe when you are outside. Even if you are on a trail, riding on a bike path, or jogging, please wear a mask to protect yourself and those you are passing. Especially if you are exercising, you …
Mar 20
Unity and shared endeavor are core ideals for the DSC, but right now literally coming together is not cool. We had great plans: Throw a party to celebrate recent victories in local races. Give it a bit of a St. Paddy’s Day theme, but make sure to distinguish luck from hard work. Honor our great …