Win Wisconsin Webinar – Tuesday, March 17 @ 7pm PT

Defeat Trump in a Key State: Now a Webinar
The WinWisconsin concept is fairly simple. Click here for explanation.
The full story is the topic of Prof. Lewis Friedland’s webinar. To access this webinar you’ll need to fill out a simple RSVP form here. A selection of dates and times for this week are available on that form.


– – – Volunteer Appreciation Party – – – Sunday, March 15th, 2 – 4pm

Drop Off Your Ballot at a Polling Station Today, Tuesday – March 3

Joan Hartmann NEEDS US NOW! -Tues., Feb. 25, 3 p.m.

Bruce Porter has been slamming Joan with really ugly attack mailers
and TV ads that totally distort her record,
while simultaneously pretending to be the environmental candidate.

Please attend Joan’s press conference Tues., Feb. 25, 3 p.m.

at Ellwood Preserve parking lot, off Hollister Ave., across from Ellwood School.

This appearance will draw attention to those lies and remind 3rd District voters who is the real leader in so many key areas.


Super Ballot Weekend is Coming!

DSC Header
Go ‘Niners! Go Chiefs! 
Go Dems!
Root for whichever team you like, but work the Democrats:


This is it – we are one week away from the beginning of voting in the Presidential Primary Election! On February 3rd, voters across our county will begin to receive their ballots in the mail. That means that the weekend of February 1st and 2nd will be absolutely crucial to our campaign’s success.

Please join us for Super Ballot Weekend! This isn’t your typical Super Bowl gathering – we’ll be door knocking, phone banking, and having a great time, as we continue to fight to keep our county blue. This is the last chance we have to talk to voters before voting begins!

For this week, we’re continuing our regular phone banking and canvassing schedule. Please sign up for a volunteer shift using this link.

Lastly, we have a trove of Democratic lawn signs at Dem HQ. Please stop by (123 E. Carrillo St.) and pick some up, or call (805) 965-8030 for delivery.


And in March, when the job’s done, we party!

The return of the DSC’s annual Volunteer
Appreciation Party
and General Meeting:

Sun., MARCH 15
We’ve got a great new venue:
Live Oak Unitarian Universalist’s
Fellowship Hall & Patio

Mark your calendar!

2019 Annual Meeting – Saturday, December 7

SB County Democratic Party logo

Save the Date


Saturday, December 7
9:30 AM – 11:30 AM
Goleta Valley Community Center

Learn about how the party structure is set up, local clubs, what it’s like to run for office, opportunities for engagement, and more. Join us!

Program coming soon!

RSPP button



FPPC# 742091 | FEC# C00427856

Victory for 2 Democratic endorsed candidates; Alejandra Gutierrez & Mike Jordan

Thanks to all the volunteers, leaders and voters
who worked elect our City Council candidates!

Alejandra won by only 8 votes.

Elected to the SB City Council: Alejandra Gutierrez and Mike Jordan

The victory of the two Democratic endorsed candidates (especially for Alejandra Gutierrez) is a tribute to the very hard work of grassroots volunteers, who phoned, canvassed and fought tooth and nail for months to make this happen, and also the superb work of the county party’s Organizing Director, Spencer Brandt, and its Chair, Gail Teton-Landis.


Group of about 20 volunteers

The hard-working grassroots volunteers

The results show Alejandra Gutierrez winning District 1 with 963 votes, just eight votes over challenger Jason Dominguez in the District 1 race. Mike Jordan won the Mesa District 2 race with a total of 1,509 votes. They will both serve 5 year terms.


Veterans Day Appreciation



The water sings along our keel,
   The wind falls to a whispering breath;
I look into your eyes and feel
   No fear of life or death;
So near is love, so far away
The losing strife of yesterday.
We watch the swallow skim and dip;
   Some magic bids the world be still;
Life stands with finger upon lip;
   Love hath his gentle will;
Though hearts have bled, and tears have burned,
The river floweth unconcerned.
We pray the fickle flag of truce
   Still float deceitfully and fair;
Our eyes must love its sweet abuse;
   This hour we will not care,
Though just beyond to-morrow’s gate,
Arrayed and strong, the battle wait.


This is a critical time for our campaign to elect Alejandra Gutierrez and Mike Jordan to the City Council


Joan Hartmann Fund-raiser, Sunday, October 13

Spend a lovely afternoon in the very “green” garden of hosts Dennis Allen and Jenny Cushnie, and hear from Third District Supervisor Joan Hartmann about her work on behalf of Santa Barbara County, as she heads into a re-election campaign.
Election Day is March 3, 2020. Joan has been an impassioned and highly effective environmental actor for decades, first as an attorney working on endangered species and habitat; as an advocate for open space preservation; as a (former) member of the EDC Board of Directors; and now as the Third District Supervisor, a strong advocate for renewable energy and resilience planning.
Sunday, October 13, 1 – 3 p.m.
at the home of Dennis Allen & Jenny Cushnie
(address provide upon RSVP)
For sponsorship levels or tickets, please RSVP to Lee Heller (805-451-5787).