Mitigating the Impacts of Drought and Wildfires – Townhall with Salud Carbajal

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Dear Friend,
The Central Coast is no stranger to the devastating effects of wildfires. This year alone, the Holiday Fire and Thomas Fire raged through Santa Barbara County and destroyed dozens of homes and other structures. The devastating debris flow in January left many without homes and claimed the lives of 23 of our neighbors. I want to hear from you about how we can prevent and prepare for these natural disasters moving forward, as well as share what I’m working on to help protect families on the Central Coast.Join me for my Town Hall on efforts to mitigate the impacts of drought and wildfires this Monday, July 30th from 5:30 – 7:00 PM at the Natural History Museum in Santa Barbara.RSVP HERE, the event is free and open to the public. I’ve invited guests, including directors from the Los Padres National Forest firefighting service as well as Santa Barbara County fire and water department officials, to help answer your questions and hear your thoughts on the best ways to create a more prepared and resilient Central Coast.


Given the devastating impact that these wildfires can have, it’s important that we have a plan and adequate resources for when wildfires start.

Last week, I offered an amendment to increase funds for the Forest Service’s hazardous fuels management activities by $10 million dollars, to help the Forest Service mitigate the threats of excessive fire fuels with proven and effective preparedness measures.

Watch: Carbajal offers amendment to increase wildfire fuels management budget

That’s why I also, along with the majority of my colleagues, voted to pass the Disaster Recovery Reform Act (DRRA). The DRRA ensures that a portion of FEMA assistance funding is invested in pre-disaster hazard mitigation efforts. As we continue to experience devastating disasters such as wild fires and debris flows, we must find ways to adapt to these increasingly extreme weather patterns.

Despite some of the heavy rains we’ve experienced this past winter, much of Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo remain in “severe drought” conditions. That’s why I joined Rep. Tom Reed (R-NY) to introduce the Water Infrastructure Resilience and Sustainability Act (WIRSA). WIRSA would establish an EPA grant program for communities working with a local agency to improve the resilience and adaptability of their water infrastructure. Read more here.

I look forward to hearing from you about how we can keep our community safe and prepared for future natural disasters.


Congressman Salud Carbajal

212 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202)-225-3601
360 S. Hope Ave.
Suite C-301
Santa Barbara, CA 93105
Phone: (805)-730-1710
1411 Marsh St
Suite 205
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Phone: (805) 546-8348
1619 S. Thornburg St.
Santa Maria, CA 93458
Phone: (805) 730-1710

Happy 4th of July ~ BBQ 2-4 PM, Stowe Grove Park, Goleta

Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776

by John Trumbull

NPR Reads the Declaration of Independence

Keep Families Together Rally Photos, 6/30/2018 – Santa Barbara

All Photos by Marian Shapiro

Recent Fall Endorsements


School District & SBCC

The Santa Barbara County Democratic Party endorsed candidates for both the Santa Barbara Unified School District board and for the Santa Barbara Community Collegeboard of trustees at its June meeting. For the two open seats on the K-12 school board the DCC endorsed Ismael Paredes Ulloa and Rose Muñoz. Paredes Ulloa is currently filling out an unexpired term on the board, and Muñoz is a newcomer, but long active in local schools and the Democratic community.

For the SBCC District 2 Trustee position, Robert Miller received the party’s endorsement, as did Kate Parker for District 7. Miller is a retired attorney who has been active in community issues related to housing, land use, environmental protection and renewable energy since moving to Goleta in 2014. He was appointed to the Goleta Planning Commission in January 2017 and to the SBCC Board of Trustees in February 2018. Parker is employed as the library director at Cate School in Carpinteria, and has served on the Santa Barbara Unified school board the past 12 years.


On the Nov. 6th Ballot, Previously Endorsed

Also part of the local slate of Democratic endorsements for the November general election:

Paula Perotte – Mayor, City of Goleta
James Kyriaco – Goleta City Council
Ethan Bertrand – Isla Vista Community Services District
Luz Reyes-Martin – Goleta School Board Trustee

4th of July BBQ

Spend the afternoon with your fellow Democrats. Eat, Drink, and Persist…
   Stow Grove Park, Goleta

   2 – 4 p.m.

   $20/BBQ & beverages

National Day of Protest, Saturday, June 30, 2018 – 11am

Stop the Cruelty!

Donald Trump and his administration are cruelly separating children from their families. But we won’t allow it to continue.
On June 30, we’re rallying in Washington, D.C., and around the country to tell Donald Trump and his administration to stop separating kids from their parents!
Join us on June 30 to send a clear message to Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress:
Saturday, June 30 at 11 a.m.
De La Guerra Plaza
Santa Barbara, CA 93101

Annual 4th of July BBQ

Spend the afternoon with your fellow Democrats. Eat, Drink, and Persist…
   Stow Grove Park, Goleta

   2 – 4 p.m.

   $20/BBQ & beverages

Paid for Democratic Voter Guides may Not Reflect Endorsed Candidates


With campaign literature flooding mailboxes, we wanted you to be aware that there are paid for Democratic voter guides being sent around that do not represent all the endorsements of the Democratic Party. Anytime we mail something, or an endorsed candidate does, it will say Endorsed by the Democratic Party or the disclaimer will say paid for by the Democratic Party. Please note we have officially endorsed the following candidates and ballot measures:

Salud Carbajal: US Congress-24th District

Monique Limon: CA Assembly-37th District

Bill Ostrander: CA Assembly-35th District

Gregg Hart: County Supervisor-2nd District

Eddie Hsueh: Sheriff-Coroner

Betsy Schaffer: Auditor-Controller

Oscar Gutierrez: Santa Barbara City Council District 3

Yes on Measure R

Yes on Measure S

Yes on Measure T

For statewide endorsements, click here.

Memorial Day: Honor the Fallen

 Instead of Mowing the Lawn…

Come Meet The Next

2nd District County Supervisor!