It may seem early, but it’s time to get back in gear 

We elect our members of Congress and the CA Assembly every two years.

It may seem early, but it’s time for them to get back into gear.


Let’s Get Things Started!

Power to the Polls! SB Women’s March 2018

Grab ’em by the midterms!


The Democratic Service Club was there registering voters and collecting signatures for Salud and Monique to cover filing fees for the 2018 ballot.



Note the lack of Nazis at our march.

Let’s Get Things Started!

We elect our members of Congress and the CA Assembly every two years. It may seem early, but it’s time for them to get back into gear.

Let’s Get Things Started!

Discussion about the Democratic Party of Santa Barbara Endorsement Process

The Thomas Fire Resource and Recovery Fair, December 22

The Thomas Fire Resource and Recovery Fair will be held tomorrowDecember 22nd, from 10am-2pm at the Carpinteria Community Church, located at 1111 Vallecito Road in Carpinteria.

Please note the change in location and share with anyone who has been affected by the fire.

recieved from Das Williams for Supervisor

United Nations Global Day of Action: Universal Healthcare

From Our Friends with the United Nations Association
and Health Care for All – SB Chapters
             United Nations Association
    Santa Barbara Chapter
United Nations Global Day of Action:
Universal Healthcare
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
5:30  7 pm
Karpeles Manuscript Library
See highlights of the Frontline Documentary
Sick Around the World
Free and open to the public,
Light refreshments provided
“Universal health coverage is a political goal rooted in
the human right to health. But no right has ever been
guaranteed until people decided to fight for it.”
For information phone Peter at 682-5183 or email:

One Week to Go – Get Out The Vote

the time to contact as many voters as possible is upon us

It’s That Time of Year Again
With ballots going out next week, the time to contact as many voters as possible is upon us. With any luck, if we work now, the harvest and the celebration in November will be prodigious.

Club Update – DSC Volunteers in Action

Club Update
DSC Volunteers in Action
Putting out the mail for the Friedman campaign on the porch at HQ.

Since the September 1st opening of the new Democratic party headquarters at 1025 Castillo St., DSC volunteers have carried out two mailing projects for the current election campaign and appeared on camera with mayoral and council candidates Cathy Murillo and Gregg Hart in their new TV spots. Thank you to those dedicated folks who responded this month when needed for these various projects: John Devereaux, Chris Dille, Jane Fehrenbacher, Mickey Flacks, Gerry Gabowitz, Caroline Gunther, Maggie Gold, Martha Hassenplug, Sally Hearon, Vijaya Jammalamadaka, Cheryl Rogers, Barbara Tennison, Marian Shapiro, Gail & David Teton-Landis, Mary Thompson, Hap Ziegler, Chas. & Jan Clouse and others.

Bungalow Heaven for Dem candidates this year and next.
The spacious campaign HQ, a charming bungalow in a residential neighborhood, is conveniently located downtown near the corner of Castillo and Carrillo streets, with ample street parking for volunteers as well as free parking in the adjacent commuter lot after 6 p.m.and on Sundays, which makes it particularly useful for evening phone banks and weekend walks. Once past the 2017 SB city elections, it will be retained at least through 2018 for the congressional race and other coordinated campaign needs.

Getting to Know Jim Scafide, the endorsed Democrat for District 4, Wednesday, October 11, 2017, 5:30 – 7:30

DSC Header
Here’s a great opportunity to meet the endorsed Democrat for District 4. Even if you don’t live in that part of town, you’ll want to see what Jim will contribute to the Santa Barbara City Council when he joins the team of Mayor Cathy Murillo, Gregg Hart, and Eric Friedman.
Democratic Service Club, P.O. Box 1478, Santa Barbara, CA 93102