Category: Uncategorized
Mar 25
A Few SB March for Our Lives 3-24-2018 Photos
It was an impressive sized crowd at De la Guerra Plaza and a great trail of vocal citizens of all ages marching in the middle of State St. -C Clouse The speakers were FANTASTIC and the turn out was terrific. Let’s hope the Republicans hear our voices and change the laws. – M Shapiro …
Mar 22
Help stop gun violence, March 24 at 11 am
Help stop gun violence. March for our lives. Saturday at 11:00 in De La Guerra Plaza. Here is a link to 89 posters and ideas Other ideas for posters: DON’T FIRE GUNS FIRE THE NRA We deplore the NRA, and we vote Human rights > gun rights NRA = Terrorists Protect Kids Not Guns To Stop a …
Mar 20
Items of Interest to the Democratic Community
SB County Boards and Commissions County Supervisor Joan Hartmann seeks Third District residents to serve on the following County boards and commissions: Behavioral Wellness Commission (two openings) Board of Architecture Review Central County (alternate position) Housing Authority Board of Commissioners Human Services Commission Civil Service Commission Veteran’s Services Advisory Committee To apply online or learn …
Mar 20
Phone and Walk for Candidates
March Volunteer Schedule With the Primary election campaigns now in full-swing, Democratic candidates Salud Carbajal, Monique Limón, and Gregg Hart need your help in reaching voters. Here is the schedule of opportunities in March to assist when you are able: Neighborhood Walks: Every Sat. at 10 a.m & Sun. at 1 p.m. Phone Banks: Every Sun. thru Thurs. 5 – 8 p.m To sign up, …
Mar 06
State, County & City Endorsements
The Fortunate Few Statewide Though most statewide offices went without endorsement at the recent Democratic party convention in San Diego, a few candidates did achieve the 60% threshold: Secretary of State Alex Padilla who is running for re-election, State Senator Ricardo Lara for Insurance Commissioner, Board of Equalization member Betty Yee for State Controller, Fiona …
Feb 28
News and Photos from the State Convention in San Diego
Here is the report from C. Clouse – The main event was the battle for the party endorsements, which require a 60% level of support among the delegates. Given open seats and the context of issues like single-payer health care, there were few endorsed candidates to emerge—not even for the U.S. Senate seat held for …
Feb 21
In honor of the students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School
“March For Our Lives” on March 24th Commonsense gun regulation Common sense gun safety measures Victoria SanchezVerified account @VictoriaSanchez Feb 19 More Students lie down in front of the White House asking for gun reform. Two 16 year old girls organized this group in a matter of days. Social media helped spread the word. Sweet Honey and …
Jan 31
It may seem early, but it’s time to get back in gear
We elect our members of Congress and the CA Assembly every two years. It may seem early, but it’s time for them to get back into gear. Let’s Get Things Started!