Santa Barbara County Democratic Party Save the Date! The 9th Annual Roosevelt-Hamer Dinner will be on Saturday, April 8th at 6 PM. The theme of this year’s dinner is Making a Stand: Progress and Resistance. Santa Barbara Democrats are ready to fight back–with City Council and Mayoral elections for the City of Santa Barbara …
Category: Uncategorized
Feb 15
United We Stand: Presidents’ Day, February 18 at 11am, March
March With Fellow Santa Barbarans: United We Stand: Presidents’ Day Weekend March Please join the Santa Barbara community on Presidents’ Day Weekend to express yourself and make your voice heard. Whether it’s for immigrants’ rights, voting rights, women’s rights, LGBTQ rights, the protection of wildlife, or if you can’t pick just one issue…Protest ALL of …
Feb 12
Learn How, When & Where the Democratic Party Works
Ever wonder to yourself, “what the F%@$ is the Democratic Party?!?” We hear so much about it all the time, but there isn’t much out there giving a clear and honest explanation of the party tailored to people not very deep in politics. Since so many people are interested in getting involved in the …
Jan 18
Inauguration Day Demonstration, Jan 20 (Friday)
Inauguration Day Demonstration Santa Barbara 3:30 p.m., De La Guerra Plaza Many of you may be headed for L.A. or perhaps Washington for larger protests this coming weekend, but if you’re here in Santa Barbara on Inauguration Day and are looking for a way to make yourself heard, here are the details of an entirely …