Charles Clouse

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  1. Running to Unseat Devin Nunes – You Can Help — 1 comments
  2. Annual 4th of July BBQ — 1 comments

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Mitigating the Impacts of Drought and Wildfires – Townhall with Salud Carbajal

Enews Sign Up  |  Visit My Website ABOUT    |     CONTACT    |     ISSUES    |     MEDIA    |     SERVICES Dear Friend, The Central Coast is no stranger to the devastating effects of wildfires. This year alone, the Holiday Fire and Thomas Fire raged through Santa Barbara County and destroyed dozens of homes and other structures. The devastating debris flow in January left many without homes and claimed the …

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Happy 4th of July ~ BBQ 2-4 PM, Stowe Grove Park, Goleta

Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776 by John Trumbull NPR Reads the Declaration of Independence

Keep Families Together Rally Photos, 6/30/2018 – Santa Barbara

All Photos by Marian Shapiro

Recent Fall Endorsements

  School District & SBCC The Santa Barbara County Democratic Party endorsed candidates for both the Santa Barbara Unified School District board and for the Santa Barbara Community Collegeboard of trustees at its June meeting. For the two open seats on the K-12 school board the DCC endorsed Ismael Paredes Ulloa and Rose Muñoz. Paredes Ulloa is currently filling out an …

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4th of July BBQ

  DON’T RESIST! Spend the afternoon with your fellow Democrats. Eat, Drink, and Persist…    Stow Grove Park, Goleta    2 – 4 p.m.    $20/BBQ & beverages   Please RSVP by June 30th 

National Day of Protest, Saturday, June 30, 2018 – 11am

Stop the Cruelty! Donald Trump and his administration are cruelly separating children from their families. But we won’t allow it to continue. On June 30, we’re rallying in Washington, D.C., and around the country to tell Donald Trump and his administration to stop separating kids from their parents! Join us on June 30 to send a clear message to …

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Annual 4th of July BBQ

DON’T RESIST! Spend the afternoon with your fellow Democrats. Eat, Drink, and Persist…    Stow Grove Park, Goleta    2 – 4 p.m.    $20/BBQ & beverages   Please RSVP by June 30th 

Paid for Democratic Voter Guides may Not Reflect Endorsed Candidates

Democrats, With campaign literature flooding mailboxes, we wanted you to be aware that there are paid for Democratic voter guides being sent around that do not represent all the endorsements of the Democratic Party. Anytime we mail something, or an endorsed candidate does, it will say Endorsed by the Democratic Party or the disclaimer will …

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Memorial Day: Honor the Fallen

 Instead of Mowing the Lawn…

Come Meet The Next 2nd District County Supervisor!