Veterans Day Rememberance

Thank You to Everyone Who Helped

J.D. Scholten lost his campaign to Steve King in Iowa.  He, and others, “lost a race but changed a culture so that future races may be won.” (Sarah Smarsh)

Democratic President Obama Doesn’t Have Time for These 7 Excuses Not to Vote

Support Your Assembly Member Monique Limón

A chance to support your assembly member
Monique Limón
and hear the latest from the trenches at Planned Parenthood



The November 6th general election is less than 50 days away!


The November 6th general election is less than 50 days away!

Vote-By-Mail ballots will be sent out on October 8, 2018 and we need your help speaking with voters.

Click here to sign up for a phonebank or canvass shift!

Support Paula Perotte For Mayor

To RSVP please email:

Walk with Supervisor Joan Hartmann

Join the Democratic Party and Supervisor Joan Hartmann as we speak with voters about the upcoming election. We will have our endorsement slate pieces to give to voters at the doors.

To RSVP, please email Tyler at We will launch from Ellwood Butterfly Preserve in Goleta. Click here for more information.


Local Democratic Party

Paid for by: Santa Barbara Democratic Central Committee PO BOX 22435, Santa Barbara, CA, 93121 SBDCC PAC FED #C00427856 : SB County Democratic Central Committee FPPC #742091

Running to Unseat Devin Nunes – You Can Help

If you’ve thought about it,
talked about it,
wished you could help…
Sunday, Sept. 30, 2018, 2-5 p.m.
Santa Barbara Club

Labor Day Picnic at Oak Park

A Celebration of Labor
There has not been a more important time to stand with labor in recent memory. And
there’s lots of work to do. Begin by celebrating Labor Day with your fellow Santa Barbara County Democratic Party! Enjoy tasty BBQ, great camaraderie and the beautiful scenery of Oak Park. Help support your local Democratic Party’s fight to support the rights of working people to unite, to protest, to withhold their labor, to boycott unfair businesses, and to demand change in all areas of business and society. These rights transcend individual labor statutes.
Monday, September 3,
2 – 5 p.m.
Oak Park (300 W. Alamar)
$25 at the door (children 8 and under are free!)
Save time and purchase your meal and drink tickets in advance.

Of Interest to the Democratic Community

SBCC Trustee Jonathan Abboud Birthday Celebration
You are invited to join friends and colleagues of SBCC Trustee Jonathan Abboud for an event to celebrate his birthday and support his re-election campaign.
Saturday, August 25, 6:30 – 9:30 p.m. 
At the home of Gail and David Teton-Landis
4450 Via Allegre, Santa Barbara
Champion~$1,000, Gladiator~$500, MVP~$200, IVIP~$75, 
For more information and to RSVP click here or email Monica Intaglietta. If making a donation, please visit
*  *  *
Kick-Off for SBCC Trustee: Darcél Elliott
Longtime community organizer and Democratic campaign strategist Darcél Elliottwill be kicking off her own bid for a spot on the SBCC Board of Trustees on Sunday, August 26, 4-6 p.m. at the Mission Canyon home of David Landecker and Tania Israel. Darcél has deep experience with education issues as a staffer for former Assembly Member Das Williams, and now hopes to step out of the background and contribute directly. She has won the endorsement of the Santa Barbara County Democratic Party.
The kick-off event will feature a traditional Santa Maria style BBQ prepared by Darcél herself (with vegetarian and glutten-free options also available).

Voter Registration Outreach

Pacific Pride Festival
As is our tradition, the DSC will have a voter registration table at the Santa BarbaraPacific Pride FestivalSat. August 25. at Chase Palm Park. We are still looking for a couple volunteers to staff the table during the 4-6 p.m. shift. If you can help, please contact our voter reg. specialist Jim MacMillan at
Pacific Pride Festival is a free event that celebrates and reunites the diverse lesbian, gay, bixexual, and transgendered community in Santa Barbara. Pacific Pride Festival represents the largest fundraiser for Pacific Pride Foundation programs.

Come Celebrate Labor Day with Democrats


Come Celebrate Labor Day with Us!

There has not been a more important time to stand with labor in recent memory.

The Republican majority has rolled back labor and employment protections, while also refusing to fund or enforce the currently existing laws. Meanwhile, California has led the way: creating millions more jobs, passing equal pay legislation, establishing a living wage, protecting our invaluable natural resources and expanding health care for all.

This year, we are excited to have labor leader Yesenia DeCausus join us. To RSVP and purchase tickets, click.

There’s lots of work to do; begin by celebrating Labor Day with your fellow Santa Barbara County Democratic Party! Enjoy tasty BBQ, great camaraderie and the beautiful scenery of Oak Park. Help support your local Democratic Party fight to support the rights of working people to unite, to protest, to withhold their labor, to boycott unfair businesses, and to demand change in all areas of business and society precede and transcend individual labor statutes.

Click here to RSVP.

This year’s picnic will go from 2:00pm to 5:00pm on Monday, September 3, 2018. Tickets are $25 at the door (Children 8 and under get in free) or save time and purchase your meal and drink tickets in advance.
We hope to see you there!


Local Democratic Party

Paid for by: Santa Barbara Democratic Central Committee PO BOX 22435, Santa Barbara, CA, 93121 SBDCC PAC FED #C00427856 :: SB County Democratic Central Committee FPPC #742091