Category: Uncategorized
Apr 28
Voter Registration at SBCC
Voter Registration DSC Mobilizes Voter Reg. at SBCC Our core mission of voter registration continues this spring at SBCC. We have scheduled a wide array of dates for tabling on campus. Please look over the open choices below and let Jim MacMillanknow which slots you would like to fill. Something new this year–in recognition of the …
Apr 22
Volunteers Always Appreciated
Dems at Earth Day Festival Dru Sturdivan, Javier Ortega, Temmy Bowman, Jan Clouse, and Jody Byron-Cooper worked the Saturdaycrowd at Earth Day registering voters. The Democratic Service Club has teamed up this weekend with Democratic Women, the Santa Barbara County Democratic Party Central Committee, and the candidates themselves to do voter registration and outreach at …
Mar 26
Voter Registration Revised Schedule
Contact Jim if you are interested in registering voters in any of the unfilled times. ( 4/18/2016 11:00 to 12:30-Jim MacMillan, ??, ?? 12:30 to 2:00–??, ??, ?? 2:00 to 3:30–??, ??, ?? 4/19/2016 11:00 to 12:30-Jim MacMillan, Charlotte MacMillan, Nancy Miller 12:30 to 2:00–Charlotte MacMillan, Jim LeVasseur, Gail Eisen 2:00 to 3:30–Leslie Edgerton, Chris …
Mar 19
2016 Roosevelt-Hamer Dinner – Saturday, April 16
The timing is perfect to confirm your seats at the Democratic Party’s annual grassroots fundraising dinner. Join local Dems for a night of supporting Democratic political activity while enjoying food and music at the beautiful Carrillo Ballroom. Now is the time to come together as Democrats, celebrate our accomplishments over the past year and renew …
Mar 13
March 13, 2016
Help Hartmann The Hartmann for Supervisor campaign is canvassing every weekend andphoning several nights a week from a variety of locations throughout the district. Email the campaign at JoanHartmann2016@gmail.comfor more details. For more information about Joan and her campaign, visit her website: You are also invited to a Hartmann for Supervisor House Party Fundraiser Friday, March 18th, 5:30 …
Mar 12
Annual Volunteer Activation Party & Members Meeting
February 7, 2016 Mark your calendars in blue. And let’s get ready to spring into action when the call comes. The DSC’s annual meeting and volunteer gathering is planned for Sunday, March 13, 2 – 4 p.m. at the Cathedral Oaks Village Association clubhouse in Goleta, the same site as our past three memorable celebrations …