New Party Officers
The main business of the CA Democratic Party’s recent state convention (May 19-21) was to elect new party officers to lead the most powerful blue state into an uncertain future. In a hotly contested election among the 3,000 convention delegates, Eric Bauman narrowly defeated Kimberly Ellis for state party Chair,
Fierce floor demonstrations by Kimberly Ellis supporters (in pink) and Eric Bauman’s backers (yellow signs) made last month’s state Democratic convention particularly contentious. Bauman was elected party Chair, but the battle may continue in the courts. |
replacing John Burton, who’d served since 2009. Ellis has not yet to conceded. Santa Barbara County Chair Daraka Larimore-Hall won election as Vice Chair-Male and Alexandra Gallardo-Rooker as Vice Chair-Female. Jenny Bach won a Sunday morning run-off to become party Secretary, and Daniel Weitzman was elected as Controller. Santa Barbara County Vice Chair David Atkins became the Region 10 Director and will oversee party operations in four South Coast and northward Assembly districts.